Pictures from Space

The International Space Station (ISS) has been occupied for over 20 years. Including a stint from our UK astronaut Tim Peak in 2015. The ISS regularly passes over the UK as it is held in a low earth orbit, 220 miles above the earth. It can regularly be seen in the night sky passing over at 17,227 mph! As the ISS passes it also transmits radio for enthusiast to receive from Earth. Pictures are transmitted over radio using a format known as Slow Scan Television (SSTV). These pictures can be received on earth and viewed on your computer.

The International Space Station (ISS) has been occupied for over 20 years. Including a stint from our UK astronaut Tim Peak in 2015. The ISS regularly passes over the UK as it is held in a low earth orbit, 220 miles above the earth. It can regularly be seen in the night sky passing over at 17,227 mph! As the ISS passes it also transmits radio for enthusiast to receive from Earth. Pictures are transmitted over radio using a format known as Slow Scan Television (SSTV). These pictures can be received on earth and viewed on your computer.

Key Stage





Radio, Physics, Space


60 mins




A computer with an internet connection

Teacher Pack