Springpod Virtual Work Experience 2023
The CAA partnered with Springpod to offer the second Virtual Work Experience that took place from 24th to 28th July. This year 3994 participants enrolled in the programme to expand their knowledge on the aviation industry and the participants gave an average rating of 8.8/10 for the programme.
The Impact of the programme:
576% increase in students who now rate their awareness of careers in the industry.
94% increase in students who now feel very confident about finding a job in the future.
155% increase in students who now feel very confident about speaking to an industry professional.
Feedback from the participants:
“I enjoyed learning about the different aspects of aviation, especially the commercial aviation section as I found that webinar the most useful.”
“The webinar and the fact that I can ask questions so easily to someone so experienced in very useful and provides a lot of real world insight.”
“I enjoyed the interactivity of this programme and how it opened my eyes to the various career options provided by the aviation industry.”